The Jesus Club Inc. is a newly formed Christian nonprofit organization dedicated to using biblical art to engage youths and adults. Art form includes poetry, monologues, paintings drawings, photography, theatre, dance, and music. In addition, the organization offers literacy and feeding programs that will empower youths and prepare children and adults to be productive members of society. The Jesus Club brings people together, we are non-discriminatory and accept people of all ages and backgrounds.
Community Need
There is a tremendous need in the City of Richmond VA. In the 2016-2017 school year, the city was 22 points below the state average in reading, for 2017-2018, it was 20 points below the state average and 22 points in the 2018-2019 school year. In addition, minority students are about 33 points below that of white students. Between the 2016 through 2019 school years the division was an average of 25 points below the state’s average in writing and math.
The Jesus Club Inc. will serve as a safe place for children, teens and adults who live in underserved communities, our programs are designed to be fun, interactive and engaging. The after-school programs will provide a safe and well-supervised atmosphere to keep children out of trouble. According to an article published in the Pediatric Magazine, unsupervised eighth graders are more likely to be involved in unhealthy behavior such as smoking and drinking.
What we Believe
- We believe that the bible is the infallible word of God (Mathew 5:18)
- We practice the two greatest commandments “Love the Lord our God with all our hearts and with all our soul. Love our neighbor as ourselves” (Matthew 22:36-40).
- We believe in the triune God of the father, son, and holy ghost (Matthew 28:19).
- We believe that God is the creator of all things as stated in Genesis (Colossians 1:16).
- We believe that Jesus died for us all and whosoever shall call upon the Lord shall be saved (Romans 10:13).
Dr. Ann Marie Hyatt
Founder and PresidentDr. Hyatt was born in Jamaica W.I. and now resides in Chesterfield County Virginia. She is an adjunct professor at Liberty University and J Sargeant Reynolds Community College. She spent most of her career in the banking industry and is also a licensed insurance agent.
Dr. Hyatt grew up in church but from childhood to late adulthood, she struggled with a clear understanding of God and religion as a whole. This led to many shortcomings and disappointments. She was really scared of the perfectionism portrayed in Christianity and this made her feared God. God was seen as this giant waiting to strike her with a huge stick when she did something wrong. This went on for a long time until a Baptist minister explained to her how much she was loved by God. It was through this understanding of Jesus’s love that she surrendered her life to Christ. Dr. Hyatt has served as a Sunday School teacher for her adult Sunday School class and worked many years in the children’s ministry. She truly has a passion to serve the Lord.